Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Testing out ScribeFire plus Foresight update

I am writing this in ScribeFire, a Firefox add on which lets you publish to blogs. You can also add pictures and videos.
Foresight Linux failed to install in Virtual Box again. This time I was using the CD. I'll try again. By the way, the installer is terrible. The fonts are ugly, it is slow and BUGGY, it still doesn't support ext4 and the partition manager is the worst I have come across in my life. Even the non-GUI command line based partition managers in FreeBSD and Arch Linux are so elegant and easy to use.
Foresight is frustrating me out but I'll give it another chance.
I'm also planning on trying out the new Pardus Linux 2009 version which comes with KDE 4.2.4. I have used the previous Pardus release as my primary OS for more than 6 months and I must say it is one of the best distros available today. Looking forward to the new one.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Sorry for not updating the blog. I have been busy of late. I have an exam coming up next week. I'll start reviewing OSes and software after Tuesday. I actually tried to review Foresight Linux but the installer always managed to consistently fail halfway through the install. That just pissed me off. I had been using their DVD. I downloaded their CD so I'll try it out on Tuesday.